Friday, November 25, 2005

Black Friday???

The day after Thanksgiving Martha & I went to Lake Arrowhead for lunch and then took a 3 mile walk around Lake Gregory and into Crestline for a latte. Beautiful day!

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Thanksgiving Day, 2005

Our nephew Joe and Lisa (6 month pg) and the family minus Tina (she was in Mexico over Thanksgiving)

Arizona family visit, Oct 29, 2005

Visiting some of the Arizona family on 10/29/05.
(Matt, Martha, Glenda, Earl, Helen, Kevin, Lisa, Norma, Clyde)


This is a place where the family and friends of the Kroona's can visit to see and hear about the events in the lives of our small and occasionally interesting family. Feel free to post a photo or comment if you like. Welcome!