Saturday, March 04, 2006

The Eagle Has Landoned

After 30 hours of labor, many of which seemed frustrating and unproductive, Landon finally made his presence known at 5:05 pm on March 4, 2006. He was greeted by a crowd of about a dozen well wishers and photographers. Both Landon & Lisa are doing very well. Both sets of grandparents couldn't be more pleased with the hospital, doctors, nurses and especially their children.

Landon James, 8lbs 9oz, 21.5 in

2:00 pm update

Things are going slow but smooth. The nurse just told us that she should be ready to start pushing in the next hour or so. The baby is doing well and Lisa is too. Stay tuned.

Baby Landon's Birthday?

Lisa has a million dollar view of Newport Beach and the Pacific Ocean. She went in on Friday (3/3) hoping to have the baby that day. They induced her, she started contratctions and then...nothing!. It's now almost 10:00 am on Saturday and she's far from ready to deliver. We all hope that Landon's birthday will be 3/4/06, especially Lisa! Stay tuned!